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I had the pleasure of attending the Miles Vartan Consultancy ‘Spring Seminar’ this month. It was an entertaining morning listening to the guest speakers discussing the tricky subject of Drink and Drug Driving, in the context of understanding impending new legislation.

MVC Spring SeminarThis was an impressively slick and well organised event, providing an excellent showcase for Miles’ consultancy business, and I was very happy to work with Miles again to provide online marketing services, event detail and guest registration website pages.

If you have an event to publicise and promote, we can help with online marketing, registrations, bookings and payments. Contact us here.

Online registration


Making Facebook work for you

Whether you love it or you loathe it, there are now over 24 million registered users on Facebook in the UK… and they’re not all kids! In fact 62% of people between the age of 35 and 50 regularly use social media and 20% of 65 to 75 year olds do too.

People are becoming increasingly resistant to conventional advertising. How many of us have Sky+ and fast forward through the adverts? Does anyone still use Yellow Pages to look for a supplier?

Simply put, having your brand on Facebook will give you valuable exposure to the right demographic. This makes you easier to find and and will help you get business.

Think you know about social media?

Whatever you think you know about social media, there will be probably be something new for you in this ever popular marketing video, by Erik Qualman. There’s very little I can add, so sit back and soak up some fascinating facts.

Meanwhile, if you’d like to talk about how you or your brand can embrace social media marketing, get in touch with us here.



What we all need is an easier life. Less to worry about. Stuff that doesn’t go wrong – or at least if it does go wrong, then it’s pretty much painless and quick to get it back up and running again.

For small businesses and for individuals, what’s needed is an approach to resilience that doesn’t take much effort to maintain and won’t break the bank. Resilience that’s an appropriate response to the value of the risk.

Appropriate response? What I mean by that is simply valuing your data. If your data is of relatively low value then you should be happy to spend less to underwrite it. Equally, if your entire livelihood (your house, your wives, mistresses, children and animals) and the job security of your employees depends on it… well, you probably need to be spending a bit more.

So what you need to do is ask yourself this: “If I’d actually lost all my data, how much money would I be prepared to spend to get it back?”

Whatever the answer you come up with, there are resilience measures to fit that budget: From zero upwards. If the data has no value then don’t do anything about it. At the other end of the scale, there’s no upper limit.

Almost all of us fall somewhere in-between of course, and this is where your budget needs to be spent wisely. You can start very cheaply, for example, with a ‘cake’ of CDs from the supermarket, then progress through external hard drives, synchronising with online ‘cloud’ services, setting up a server with RAID drives, off-site backups, hosted services… and so on. If you’re really serious then you could get your data hosted in a James Bond style bunker like Wikileaks have done in Stockholm. The ultimate solution perhaps?

Back in the real world for a moment, it’s worth mentioning that unless you automate the backup regime then you will have to do it manually according to a schedule – and you have to stick to it. Write yourself a recurring reminder in whatever calendar you use – and don’t just snooze it; remember that Sod’s law is waiting in the wings.

If you need help to value your data, or advice on scheduling, or spending your resilience budget wisely, drop us an email through the contact us page.